Clare Adamson MSP has welcomed the news that 90.8% of children and young people in NHS Lanarkshire were seen within 18 weeks of referral to CAMHS, as the Scottish Government met its target of 90% nationally.
The NHS Lanarkshire Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a specialist service for infants, children and young people. The service accepts referrals up to the young person’s 18th birthday if they are still in high school education where the young person is experiencing moderate to severe emotional, behavioural mental health difficulties.
According to new figures released by Public Health Scotland, 90.6% of children and young people across Scotland started treatment within 18 weeks of referral – with 90.8% in NHS Lanarkshire showing a significant improvement up from 71.8% this time last year.
Nationally, 50% of the children and young people starting treatment started within 4 weeks of referral, which has improved from 6 weeks in December 2023.
Ms Adamson, MSP for Motherwell and Wishaw said:
“Frontline mental health services have faced intense demand. In part, this is reflective of better attitudes towards mental health and a much-needed reduction in stigma associated with seeking support.
“But we know this is also down to the difficulties that people are facing. And I’d like to pay tribute to mental health workers who are giving so much to help children and young people across Lanarkshire.
“Some people are facing long waits for mental health services but it is good to see significant progress in reducing those waiting times. The SNP Government has met its target of 90% of patients being seen within 18 weeks and this is the case in NHS Lanarkshire.
“Targeted investment is having a positive effect and these improvements are testament to the dedication of health workers
“We still have work to do but the Scottish Government is committed to ensuring everyone gets the support they need, when they need it.
“I was proud to vote for the recent Scottish Budget which provides record funding for our NHS – including £1.3 billion for mental health services, more than doubling direct investment since 2020-21.
“Under the SNP, NHS Lanarkshire is on the right path and new investment in mental health services will bring continued improvements.”
The Motherwell and Wishaw CAHMS team can be contacted on 01698 755360. Visit nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/services/camhs/ for more information on CAMHS services in Lanarkshire.
Visit clareadamsonmsp.scot/getsupport for information on organisations which can offer help and advice on social security, financial issues, crisis support, and health and wellbeing.